March 10, 2009

Stopover: Anderson, MO

There was a time when everyone knew Anderson, Missouri, as a ticket-slinging speed trap. Total Ozarkbahn heresy, a town to be avoided. A few years ago, a new and modern stretch of four-lane US71 routed the ticket fodder elsewhere, and the heat died down.

[Anderson, MO on Google Maps]

Is Anderson is owed a second look? Absolutely, and it's solid gold.

First of all, the liquor store on the corner as Missouri 76 curves towards downtown. It makes me believe in a place where high fives still rule and bikini posters are still allowed to tell you that it's always five o'clock somewhere.

Let's break this down. All the signage, without exception, appears to have been painted while drunk. And what is that? Stucco? There's a '73 Mustang Coupe on whitewalls parked out front, and a 3D gold Coors can on the wall. The name of the place is Al's Cigar Store (one assumes), but Al isn't one-dimensional. He has you covered with lottery tickets and beer that ain't no warm, pansy-strength 3%.

If that's not enough, right next door is a hipster shack of dreams. Feast upon the beautiful, non-ironic PBR signs from years ago. No telling what's inside, but my guess is that it's stacked to the ceiling with crisp, hard-workin' domestic swill.

Anderson's other hot spot is an explosion of roadside retro, an antique store across the street from a hot rod shop.

This place I like. My grandfather was an oil man with Esso, the brand that "put a tiger in your tank." And hey, there's the tiger. Robbie the Robot and the Jolly Green Giant, too.

Stay classy, Anderson. High five.

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